QE & AUSTERITY: Creosote tells it like it is….



Jurst a teeny-weeny leetell tapeur. Jurst a weffer-theen tapeur….

“F**k off” said Wall Street bon viveur Lloyd Creosote.

Oooh goweerrn: juse wern leeterrl omoaeopatheek tapeur….

“F**k off” repeated Wall Street bon viveur Lloyd Creosote, “I want my munneeee”.

Burrt Shirley wern meenuert leeturrrl  eenkee-weeny eetsy-beetsee tappuurrr  isernt gwang to mairke inneee deefayrarnce?

“Yuss it f**kin’ well will,” Creosote answered, venomously spitting out bits of duck a l’orange, “Chicken Licken says so but more to the point, it is f**kin’ obvious that if you take my intravenous good-dosh-for-bad away, the markets will collapse and even more to the point so will my God-given right under the terms of the American Dream to a f**kin’ huge bonus”.

When I first saw the Monty Python Mr Creosote sketch at the cinema thirty years ago, I did discern the Western obesity message in there: but I never in my wildest dreams thought that he would come to represent some kind of mainstream norm in capitalism’s lexicon of characters.  Mr Creosote could equally well be questioned on this topic too:

Gowoorn,  jerrss wern leeturl sceenteela of reeell serpert furr ze economieee, one eekle-teekle less ohsteritay…

“F**k off,” said Larry Creosote of search engine Bugle, “my shareholders demand big dividends…”

Bert thasswhyee  yurr nedd to sell more thangs and thuurrs mek mer monnaie…and zat means less ohsteritay…

“F**k off,” said Larry, I’m vewy happy as I am cos I don’t need to do anything except blackmail the Fed…”

Aarr geworn, jerrz wern leeeturrrl tax increeyass earn ze reesh peepuurrrll….

“F**k off,” he reiterated, “An’ let the waiter bring me my last little bit of Big Venison MacWhopper….


…..an’ then everything will be alri……”



creosotebangAnd in other news…


Speaking in front of the House of Lords’ economic affairs committee yesterday, Bank of England governor Mark Carney accepted that the transition from an era of ultra-loose monetary policy posed significant dangers.

Most US economists were not expecting the Federal Reserve to reduce the rate of its asset purchases this month, but some are convinced the central bank will begin tentative walks along the path towards tapering.

Mr Carney, however, said, “Quantitative easing is most effective in times of most distress, but potentially has the most amplification on the other side in times of more normal market conditions. A return to growth is not a return to normality”.

BUT….he emphasised that the process “remains a long way off”.