MACRON PHARMA SCANDAL: Covid19 management, Chloroquine, & the Trump connection

The Slog debunks the Health Terrorism of globalist Pharma…& raises serious doubts about Macron’s lockdown motives

Slog international special report, No 2

It is symptomatic of the nature of reality manipulation by the “MSM” online media these days that, once a dubious connection has been established between two powerful men, it becomes – overnight – impossible to find a photoshot of them together.

Until a week ago, online library pictures of Emmanuel Macron with Pharma mogul Yves Levy were two a penny. Today, they are gone with the wind – vapourised in the cause of Orwellian history airbrushing. And at the bottom of each page is the now obligatory, ‘Some entries may have been removed under the European Union Data Protection Act’.

Substitute ‘destruction’ for ‘protection’ there, and you are on it: the Nineteen Eighty-Four strangulation of Truth in favour of corporate reverse-meaning is everywhere to be seen and heard in the world of 2020.

Yves Lévy (left) is married to French hematologist and former French health minister Agnès Buzyn. Buzyn was appointed Health Minister by President Macron in 2017.

In June 2014, after 29 years of working at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Lévy was appointed its CEO. There was controversy surrounding his reappointment bid in 2018, given his marriage to senior Macronite Buzyn. Eventually, he withdrew his candidacy.

The key to this COVID19 controversy is that in 2017, Buzyn refused to give the status of a foundation to institutes promoted by Professor Didier Raoult – a hugely popular French virologist in the Front Line of opposition to Big Pharma. A feud about virus treatment has existed for some time between Raoult and Lévy, the latter regularly rubbishing Raoult’s insistence that “management” of coronavirus cases is of at least equal importance to the search for a “cure” for Covid-style viruses.

Experts contacted by The Slog overwhelmingly support Raoult….who recently featured in a splash feature by the tabloid La Dépeche restating his belief in the out-of-copyright (and thus cheap) drug Chloroquine when used in conjunction with other agents in the management of hospitalised Covid cases.

One such contact observed:

‘Colleagues in Wuhan and Bergamo tell me that they are giving chloroquine and its analogues to specific patients with good results; the Chinese have more experience than anyone, and they use it as soon as a patient has started to display signs of respiratory distress. It is not an anti-viral, it is probably working primarily as an anti-inflammatory. Obviously it is not the only therapeutic option available but it is an old and inexpensive drug with an established therapeutic index’

Raoult maintains – with a powerful career of clinical management success behind him – that when used with other compatible agents – it can be up to three times even more effective than when used alone.

But the Macron >> Buzyn >> Lévy axis doesn’t want to know. Why?

Central to an understanding of anti-COVID19 strategies around the world is the opinion split between

  • Focus on protection of the most vulnerable coupled with developing herd immunity; and
  • Containment of infection by total lockdown

The latter favours Big Pharma business interests – in that it fails to deliver widespread immunity and thus produces long-term profits from the development of a curative immunisation programme. But, it also relies upon media hype to create the belief that only immunisation can avoid death.

The earlier post at The Slog today (and others passim) illustrate conclusively the way in which media varying from The Times to Zero Hedge are implicated in this process of Health Terrorism.

And given his already well-established links to Big Pharma, French media eyes are now focused on investigating why President Macron would rather trash the euroeconomy and create pauperising austerity than affordably control this new virus.

Didier Raoult is correct: protection of the 65+ vulnerable male demographic alongside the management of acquiring herd immunity via exposure to COVID19 is the best solution for the citizenry’s Common Good.

All this might be dismissed as so much hokum were it not for one other factor: huge stockpiles of Chloraquine appear to have been stolen from a Government warehouse: respected Professor Christian Perronne talked about the theft live in one of France’s 24/7 info channels, observing that “The central pharmacy for the hospitals announced today that they were facing a total rupture of stocks, that they were pillaged.”

That reality is way beyond nutjob conspiranoid. Le Monde and several other French MSM titles are actively on the case.

But the globalist Pharma lobby extends far beyond the fragile construct that is the European Union.

Trump-bashing is now so much a part of  life in the US, any powerful lobby only has to vilify the President in order to get the outcome it wants.

So it was that – when two weeks ago Donald Trump raised the issue of Chloraquine as a medical management solution – he immediately found himself buried under a mountain of mud slung in typical style by the Leftlib Democrat Ivy League ultrafascist media Establishment.

But as ever, they were only doing the work of the very neocon globalist ethical antimatter they claim to oppose: the last thing Megapharma wants is a cheap solution to The Great Plague That Must Be Feared.

A prominent Chloraquine denier in the US is none other than Trump’s medical adviser Dr Fauci. In 2017, Fauci gave an interview in which he predicted that “the Trump administration will be wrong-footed by a serious outbreak of viral disease”. Either this guy is Nostradamus, or part and parcel of the Deep State.

The only remaining Washington source of any value I have left told me last Saturday, “The President is done with Fauci….he sees the guy as just a megaphone for Pharma”. Make of that what you will: it is yet another of life’s Awkward Truths that Trump seems likely once more to make the Unelected State in the US look stupid.

Do you find these connections ‘conspiranoid’? I don’t find them conclusive: but I do see them as a better explanation of the wannabe economic suicide lockdowns than anything the mainstream media have on offer. Serious doubts about motive are in play here.

And I do believe the tide of bullshit is turning in favour of the facts. On verra.