BREXIT: With Theresa Mayormaynot in power, the fight for freedom from EC fascism is far from over.


69% think she’s a Brexit-lite collaborator

mesnipIn the US, in Britain, in NATO and in Brussels, the fight goes on to forget the UK’s Brexit Referendum that gave the global élites the ‘wrong’ answer. From Nicola Sturgeon and Article 50 onward, new Prime Minister Theresa May has been happy to create obstacles and drag feet when it comes to full-on Brexit. The Slog reminds what’s left of the sane electorate that the fight for real self-determination goes on.

The News

Several international news sites and leading European press titles spent much of the weekend and the last two days pumping out veiled threats from the European Commission about how they have “red lines of their own” in what they would want Britain to agree to in order to get a trade deal with Europe post Brexit.

Bloomberg News – a rabid globalist, trade-blocist, anti-Brexit donating business ‘news’ site – has just completed a “study” in all the EU States….aka, they asked their journalists to compile an EU wish-list. Their conclusion this morning is:

‘…several countries including Germany, Portugal and the Czech Republic insist that the U.K. adhere to rules on free movement of labour in return for access to the single market in goods and services…’

Theresa Maniac, David Davis and the general Mayflower crew are going to find ‘scant support’ for what they want out of Brexit, Bloomberg concludes.

The Reality

At the risk of sounding like the late and unlamented Prime Minister David Cameron, we need to be very clear about what the real balance of power is here.

Some UK trade points are salient

  • The UK’s trade with the EU has been falling in 2016 prior to Brexit. This is because the eurozone is a basket case in terms of economic activity. Trade with Asia, by comparison, was up a whopping 41%.
  • Yet again, our trade deficit grew….and the main culprit was the EU in general, and Germany in particular.
  • Britain’s export trade is now 56% outside the EU, 44% inside it.

Some more general facts also bear consideration

  • Since the June 23rd referendum, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, South Africa, Russia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Brazil have all welcomed the chance to increase their trade with the UK on the basis of lower-than-EU tariffs.
  • Anti EU feeling is on the up in every major EU State, most notably the Netherlands and France.
  • The Eastern EU States are completely at odds with the EU’s migrant policy.
  • There is political stasis and growing opposition to Brussels in Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Greece is hosting a ClubMed Conference with a view to “radical reform”.
  • Capital flight from the Eurozone continues to grow – despite being serially hidden by the ECB. The ECB itself remains at loggerheads with the German bundesbank.
  • The future of the euro itself remains in doubt, and debt bond yields in the ezone are starting to climb again.
  • Although I in no way approve of the methods being employed to achieve economic growth, the UK has now strung together 14 consecutive quarters of positive gdp figures. All of them were higher than those of the eurozone, and this year to date, Q1 and Q2 in the ezone have shown slowed rates of growth.

The idea that the EU – a political, fiscal, financial and economic mess – is in a position to dictate “red lines” to a departing member (from which it makes in fees and trading profits a cool £18 billion per month) is beyond ridiculous. It is a mad assertion of which Josel Goebbels would’ve been proud.

The story behind this ‘news’

This is the latest attempt by the neoliberal Big Boys’ élite to suggest that real Brexit from the EU is a fantasy concocted by amateur nutters. It is more gob with which those on the Mayflower can audibly suck their teeth, shake their heads, and mutter, “This is going to be very difficult, do we really want to do it after all?”

Every week, it becomes increasingly obvious, to those of us who are awake, exactly what the Mayflower crew’s unwritten strategy is.

  • Allow Article 50 to be dismissed as an irrelevance, and thus slip off the public radar. Given that Lisbon A50 is the centrepiece of clear and controlling EC attempts to make itself eternal, it is an insult to the intelligence of the electorate to suggest that it simply “doesn’t matter”.
  • Allow the Osborne austerity lunacy and global econo-fiscal dead end to start having an effect, and so increase jitters among the already struggling populace.
  • Blame everything that happens on Brexit, using the good offices of every UK press title from the Mirror via the Guardian and the Independent to the Daily Telegraph….with help from just about every US news site – and of course, the BBC and Channel Four.

While it amuses me to watch the Guardian so unswervingly supporting a Government it loathes – and the monkeys at The Independent supplying a daily dose of LOL drivel – the UK Establishment is clearly (and rapidly) reestablishing its control of the EU/Brexit narrative. And that amuses me not one iota.

An online study conducted for the Daily Express is currently showing that 69% of voters think Theresa May’s objective is a ‘Brexit lite’ in which we remain, effectively, prone to being pulled under by the Titanic, while also under the control of insane worker freedom of movement, fiscal and subscription rules of the kind that might stem the increasing rise of exit sentiments across the EU.

As The Slog averred on June 24th, winning the Referendum was the easy bit. Stopping any backsliding on real freedom from the sucking quicksand of the European Union is going to represent a daily task of refutation, radicalism and protest for the next three years at least.

From an earlier Slogpost: The Referendum win was a battle – this is still a war