A new word is invented: the OXYMERKEL

   This from the Berlin Chancellery this morning, on the subject of the Fiscal Pact. Mrs Merkel speaking:


The fiscal pact is negotiated, it was signed by 25 government leaders and has already been ratified by Portugal and Greece. Parliaments across Europe are on the verge of passing it. Ireland is having a referendum at the end of May. It is not open to new negotiations.”



Ze diskussion iss closst. But Ireland is having a referendum on it. So 25 government leaders could become 24. Indeed, the latest poll says that this will probably happen.

Ze diskussion iss closst. But that means one of the signatories will have negotiated an exit from the Union. So the discussion clearly isn’t closed.

Ze diskussion iss closst. But Greece looks set to elect a majority of Parties against the Troika bailout. And they’ve ratified the Union pact. So the Greek people are negotiating to unratify it – because they can’t accept the bailout AND join the Union.

Ze diskussion iss closst. And Spain has already told you where to stick your austerity targets. So it is negotiating about the ability to negotiate with the Union.

Ze diskussion iss closst. And Monsieur Hollande in France says he won’t join the Union unless you set growth targets as well as austerity targets. So he will be negotiating about what the Union is about.

Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze diskussion iss closst. Ze disk…..

TODAY’S OXYMERKEL WAS: “We’re having a discussion, and it is closed”.