CENSORING TRUTH IN THE EU: Rajoy revealed as prime mover for EU Court’s Article 29

ScreenHunter_103 Jun. 04 13.17How Spain is leading the charge towards fascist corporatism

Some weeks ago, the European Court made a quite extraordinary ruling that gives EU governments the ability to sanitise their online history by petitioning Google and other search engines to remove potentially damaging links to newspaper articles and other websites with embarrassing information.

Although a working party is yet to meet and discuss ‘best practice’ (ironique ou quoi?) in enforcing the ruling, as it stands Italy would have the right to ask Google to take down all references to its blatant lies about ‘economic recovery’ in the Spring of 2013.

It will come as no surprise to discover (as I just have) that one of the prime influencers for Article 29 (the basis for this Orwellian policy) was everyone’s favourite control freak Wolfgang Schäuble; but perhaps more interesting (in the light of information coming through from Spain over the last month) is that it was also pushed with some urgency by none other than Mario Rajoy of Spain.

And there’s more on the story of Juan Carlos’s abrupt “abdication”. It seems his major blunder was to proclaim loudly that “a free press is vital to democracy” while giving out gongs at the recent awards ceremony for International Journalism Prizes.

In another startling announcement from Spain, it seems now that Juan Carlos is to be succeeded by some bloke called Phil Bourbon. So with very little chance of a biscuit answering Mario Rajoy back, this should make things easier for the Prime Minister to fulfil his goal of being given a free hand to do WTF he wants as soon as possible.

Rajoy has strong form in the area of censorship. In the Autumn of last year he described those going on protest marches as “abnormal” (he’s right, they’re abnormally poor), and then in December some 300 Spaniards were fined €500 euros each for attending a protest against the budget cuts.

Equally, former Interior Minister (aka spook) and GP politician Mayor Jaime Oreja thinks it is “crazy to let people view all these problems of public order on television, because it only incites people to demonstrate all the more”. Well ping my blog Jaime, you’re right on the ball there and no mistake.

Similar demonstrations have been banned and fines handed out in Greece of late – notably in Athens and, on one occasion when I was present, in Kalamata.

The point here is a very simple one. Any and all examples of bent statistics, government repression and laws forbidden by the Treaty of Rome can be “forgotten” under the EU Court ruling. Working parties on “best practice” in the EU by the EC do not impress me one iota, because it has been blindingly obvious for years that Brussels am Berlin is a fascist grouping prepared to pull any stunt in order to get their Truth to prevail.

What we’re seeing here is Winston Smith’s Ministry of Truth job made flesh. We are seeing the contemporary Mr K being fined for a crime so ill-defined as to be, effectively, a Bourbon lettre de cachet. We are watching the fruition of prophecies made by visionaries from Kafka to Orwell.

To paraphrase the late and much lamented Ed Murrow, “The lights are going out all over Europe”.

Earlier posts on this subject: Juan Carlos – is he frail or was he pushed?