HACKGATE DAY 110: The queue to sue gets longer

Met police rumours of ‘big find’ among ‘Newscorp paperwork’

Brooks….’staying in England’

Heather Mills and her sister Fiona may well issue writs in the high court against Newscorp, it emerged yesterday. They are the latest in a lengthening line of high profile figures suing Rupert Murdoch’s group. Most of these (for example Wayne Rooney and his agent on earth Paul Stretford) followed briefings from Scotland Yard. The Slog understands that the briefings (judicial vagaries aside) more or less guarantee  conviction. The big question for Rooney is whether he’d rather spend the money on a good Brief or some ageing slappers.

Staying with sexually incontinent footballers, Chelsea and England defender Ashley Cole is understood to be bringing an action against Diggerism, as is Jude Law and his solicitor. Law’s action is in addition to his involvement in the action brought by his former partner Sienna Miller. That too is also understood to be moving ahead – despite the Newscorp threat to remove the offer on the table of damages plus gagging order.

Moving on to Max Mosley – whip-shame son of Blackshit leader Oswald – an intriguing article in Vanity Fair this week suggests that the Blue Max is underwriting a lot of poorer celebs scared by the bullying tactics of Murdoch silk Michael Silvertongue QC. I have always liked the cut of Max’s gib: he must’ve been a great disappointment to his disgusting father.

Meanwhile, a police source has suggested to The Slog that the Akers Team may soon be in a position to present three senior Newscorp executives past and present with extremely uncomfortable written evidence suggesting a mismatch between the facts, and things they misspoke in the past. While this is hardly a surprise, I am relieved to hear that the quiet period we’re undergoing on Hackgate appears more related to police diligence than furtiveness.

Finally, a Fleet Street gossip of some standing informs me that at one time there was a Wapping plan to relocate the red tressles of Rebekah Brooks alongside chum James Murdoch in New York. And another suggests that certain folk have been carefully checking the degree of sanctuary US residence affords to those wishing to escape the clutches of British Justice. But I am quite sure that this is all wild speculation, and should not to be taken as gospel in any way, shape or form.